Let my Bad Past is only a Memory

Mr. Fuad’s lesson remind me to my first writing blogger. It was happened when I was learning English in UK room three at BEC. It was about retelling story of cocoon. It was simple but I like to remember. It was about how ugly it was, before it became a beautiful butterfly.
This Is About Cocoon

I’m cocoon
I’m just cocoon
I’m the ugliest animal
No one cares to me
No one pays attention to me
Every one says that “you’re the ugliest animal in this world”
Sometimes I feel jealous with my friends…
They can fly everywhere
But I just stay at my home
I realize it, this is my destiny
I’m sure that I’ll be the most beautiful animal…

Everyone has their bad own past before they start to “hijrah”.Hijrah meant leaving, staying away, or moving place in arabic.Based on hijrah history, hijrah is the moving activity which is done by Rasulullah and His companions from Makkah to Madinah, with the aim of maintaining and enforcing the message of Allah, a faith and Islamic law. By referring on the meaning of Rasulullah’s Hijrah. Some scholars have interpreted that hijrah is out of "darul kufur" to "darul Islam". Out of kufr to the faith.

Human being is not perfect, but we have chance to change ourself to be better, more we became the true moslem who has “iman” and “taqwa”. Everyone deserves to be good, as the commandment of Allah in letter Al-Baqoroh verse 128.

"those who believe, those who emigrate in the way of Allah, they expect the grace of Allah, and Allah is forgiving, Most Merciful."
“Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman, orang-orang yang berhijrah dan berhijrah di jalan Allah, mereka itu mengharapkan rahmat Allah, dan Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang”

So guys, no other reason for whom we do hijrah to be better person in this world and here after, we don’t know whether our charity will be received by Him or not, the point we do the best thing as Allah’s command only because of Him. We do not need to be worry if someone mock behind of us, may be they want to drown out our sins. We do not need to be worry if someone insult in front of us, it means the do not understand yet. So just getting silent.

Let our past is only a memory, as a mirror where we will not do the same thing today, tomorrow, till we die in Islam condition.
